Camping is a great way to enjoy the outdoors without spending a lot of money. In this blog post, we will share tips on how to camp for cheap. So if you are looking for an affordable summer getaway, camping is the way to go!

20  Tips for Family Camping on a Budget

Summer is the perfect time to go camping! The weather is warm, the kids are out of school, and there are so many great places to explore. However, camping can also be a bit pricey. If you are looking for ways to camp on a budget, here are 20 tips to help you save money:

1. Choose an affordable campsite:

There are a variety of camping sites available, including state parks, national forests, and private campgrounds. Do some research to find a campground that fits your budget.

2. Bring your own gear:

Renting camping gear can be expensive. Instead, invest in your own tent, sleeping bags, and other gear. This will save you money in the long run and you will have your own gear to use for future camping trips.

3. Pack food that doesn’t require cooking:

Campfires can be pricey, so save money by packing food that doesn’t need to be cooked. You might want to bring things like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, fruit, chips, and trail mix with you.

4. Go during the week:

If you have the flexibility, try to go camping during the week instead of on the weekend. Mid-week tends to be a less crowded time of year in campgrounds and rates are usually lower as well.

5. Make your own firewood:

You can save a lot of money by collecting your own firewood before you go camping. If you are camping in a national forest, you can usually gather dead wood from the ground. Prior to taking any action, it is always a good idea to check with the campground ranger first before taking any action.

6. Use coupons and discounts:

Many campgrounds offer coupons and discounts, so be sure to ask about any specials when you make your reservation. If you look online or in a travel brochure, you may also be able to find discounts that are available.

7. Bring your own entertainment:

Camping trips can be enjoyable even if you don’t spend a lot of money on activities. Bring things like cards, Frisbees, and books to keep everyone entertained.

8. Enjoy free activities:

There are often many free activities available at campgrounds, such as hiking, swimming, and fishing. Check with the campground ranger to see what is available in the area.

9. Take advantage of free campsites:

There are a number of free campsites available across the country. Some are on public land, while others are at private campgrounds that offer a few free sites each season. You can find a free campsite near you by doing some research online.

10. Camp in your backyard:

If you really want to save money, camp in your own backyard! This can be a great way to try out camping without spending any money at all. Just set up a tent, sleeping bags, and some lights and you’re ready to go.

11. Try primitive camping:

Primitive camping is a great way to enjoy the outdoors without spending a lot of money. This type of camping usually involves hiking into a remote area and setting up camp there. You will need to bring all of your own gear and food, but it can be a very rewarding experience.

12. Stay in a hostel:

If you are traveling to a popular camping destination, consider staying in a hostel instead of a campground. Hostels are often cheaper than campgrounds and they offer amenities like showers and kitchens.

13. Use coupons for activities:

Many attractions offer coupons or discounts for people who are camping in the area. For example, you may be able to get a discount on rafting if you are camping nearby. Be sure to ask about any specials when you make your reservations.

14. Go in a group:

Camping with a group can often save you money. Many campgrounds offer discounts for groups, so this is a great option if you are planning a trip with family or friends.

15. Use your AAA membership:

If you have an AAA membership, you may be able to get discounts on campsites, gear rentals, and activities. Be sure to ask about any special offers before you make your reservation.

16. Join a club:

There are many clubs and organizations that offer camping trips at discounted rates. For example, the Boy Scouts of America often offer affordable camping trips for members.

17. Look for package deals:

Many campgrounds and resorts offer package deals that can save you money. For example, you may be able to get a discount if you stay for a certain number of nights or if you book your trip in advance.

18. Use your military ID:

If you are a member of the military, you may be able to get discounts on campsites and activities. Be sure to ask about any specials offers before you make your reservation.

19. Go during the off-season:

Camping during the off-season can often save you money. For example, many campgrounds offer discounts for stays during the winter months.

20. Ask about discounts:

Be sure to ask about any discounts that may be available when you make your reservation. You may be able to get a discount if you are a senior citizen, a member of the military, or a AAA member.


Camping can be a great way to save money on your travel budget, as long as you do it right. By following the tips we’ve outlined in this post, you should be well on your way to having an enjoyable and affordable camping trip. Have you tried any of these methods for camping on a budget? Let us know in the comments!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you camp frugally?

There are a number of ways to camp frugally. You can use coupons for activities, stay in a hostel instead of a campground, or go in a group to get discounts. You can also use your AAA membership to get discounts on campsites and activities.

What state has the most free camping?

There is no definitive answer to this question. However, some states that offer a lot of free camping options include California, Colorado, and Oregon.

Where can I find coupons for camping?

You can find coupons for camping in a number of places. You can check the website of the campground or resort you are interested in, or you can search for coupons online. You can also ask at the visitor center when you arrive at your destination.

What is the best time to go camping?

The best time to go camping depends on a number of factors, including your budget and the weather. In general, the off-season is the best time to camp because you can find discounts on campsites and activities. However, if you are looking for good weather, you may want to plan your trip for the summer months.