When it comes to camping, there are a few things that are always on the list of must-haves: tents, food, water and … bees? That’s right – bees. While they may not be the most harmful creatures around, they can definitely be a nuisance when you’re trying to enjoy a peaceful camping trip. 

But don’t worry – getting rid of them is easy! Just follow these simple steps and you’ll have them gone in no time.

Know what attracts bees to your campsite

Bees are attracted to sweet things, so they’ll be drawn to any food that you have out. Make sure to keep all food covered and clean up any spills right away. Similarly, perfumes and scented lotions should also be avoided, as these can also attract bees as well as attract pollinators.

Keep bees away from your tent

Make sure to keep your tent zipped up at all times, especially if you’re not in it. Bees can crawl through small openings, so it’s best to keep them out altogether. The best way to get rid of a bee from your tent is to gently coax it out with a piece of paper or a fly swatter if you find one inside.

15 Tips to Keep Bees Away From Your Campsite

1. Pick a bee-free campsite 

When you’re choosing a campsite, try to avoid areas that are near flowers or other plants that bees might be attracted to. If you’re not sure, ask the ranger at the Visitors Center – they’ll be able to point you in the right direction.

2. Keep food covered

Bees are attracted to sweet things, so they’ll be drawn to any food that you have out. Make sure to keep all food covered and clean up any spills right away. In addition, you should avoid using perfumes and scented lotions, as they may also attract bees to your garden.

3. Keep bees away from your tent

Make sure to keep your tent zipped up at all times, especially if you’re not in it. Bees can crawl through small openings, so it’s best to keep them out altogether. In the event that you find a bee in your tent, gently coax it out with a piece of paper or a fly swatter if you happen to find one.

4. Avoid using scented products

In addition to food, bees are also attracted to perfumes and other scented products. In order to avoid the use of scented soaps, shampoos, and deodorants, you should stick to unscented products.

5. Use insect repellent

If you’re going to be spending time outside, make sure to use insect repellent – this will help keep bees (and other bugs) away.

6. Keep garbage sealed

Bees are attracted to the sweetness of many foods, but they’re also drawn to the smell of garbage. So make sure to keep all garbage sealed up tight in order to prevent them from coming around.

Read: Cleaning Your Tent

7. Don’t swat at bees

If a bee does happen to land on you, resist the urge to swat at it – this will only anger the bee and increase your chances of getting stung. Instead, gently brush it off with your hand or a piece of paper.

8.  Don’t step on bees 

This one might seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning: don’t step on bees! Not only is it cruel, but it’ll also likely result in you getting stung.

9. Hang up a bee deterrent

There are a number of different products on the market that claim to deter bees – you can find them at most hardware stores or online. You can find a lot of these devices that use ultrasonic sound waves to keep bees away, so it’s definitely worth taking a look at them.

10. Plant mint around your campsite

Mint is a natural bee repellent, so planting some around your campsite can help keep them away. Depending on your preference, either you can buy mint plants from a nursery or you can grow them yourself from seeds.

11. Build a bee trap

If you’re really serious about getting rid of bees, you can try building a bee trap. This involves placing a sweet bait (like honey or sugar water) inside a container with a small opening. It is likely that the bees will crawl into the honeycomb for the sweet treat, but they will not be able to get back out again.

12. Use vinegar

Vinegar is another effective bee repellent. You can either spray it around your campsite or soak some rags in it and place them where you think the bees are coming from.

13. Make a lemonade trap

Lemonade is also effective at attracting and trapping bees. To make one, simply mix together equal parts lemon juice and sugar water and pour it into a jar or container with a small opening. The bees will be drawn to the sweetness but won’t be able to get back out.

14.  Try a commercial bee repellent 

If you’re having trouble getting rid of bees, you can always try a commercial bee repellent. There are a number of different products on the market, so you should be able to find one that’s effective.

15. Call an exterminator

If all else fails, you can always call an exterminator. They’ll be able to identify where the bees are coming from and get rid of them for good.

Final words

Although we don’t recommend harming any living creature, if you find yourself in a situation where you need to get rid of bees while camping, hopefully, our tips will help.

If all else fails and you can’t seem to get the bees to go away or they are too numerous for safe handling, it is best to contact a professional exterminator. Comment below with your thoughts and experiences about how to get rid of bees while camping.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do bees eat?

Bees are attracted to sweet things, so they’ll be drawn to any food that you have out. Make sure to keep all food covered and clean up any spills right away. You should also avoid using perfumes or scented lotions, as these can attract bees as well.

How do I keep bees away from my tent?

Make sure to keep your tent zipped up at all times, especially if you’re not in it. Bees can crawl through small openings, so it’s best to keep them out altogether. If you do find a bee in your tent, gently coax it out with a piece of paper or a fly swatter.

What if I get stung by a bee?

If you do get stung, the first thing you should do is remove the stinger. Then, wash the area with soap and water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. If you’re allergic to bee stings, make sure to seek medical help immediately.

How can I tell if a bee is friendly?

Bees that are out foraging are usually pretty docile and won’t sting unless they feel threatened. However, bees that are protecting their hive can be quite aggressive and will sting if they perceive you as a threat. If you see a bee buzzing around aggressively, it’s best to just leave it alone.

What are some natural bee repellents?

There are a number of different things you can use to keep bees away, including mint, vinegar, and lemonade. You can also try hanging up a commercial bee deterrent or building a bee trap.

How do I know if there’s a bee hive nearby?

If you see a lot of bees in one area, there’s a good chance there’s a hive nearby. Keep an eye out for large groups of bees flying in and out of an opening in a tree or bush. If you see this, it’s best to just stay away from the area.